Dec 14, 2018
Introducing a new Talent Cat
We are please to introduce a new talent Ms Cat , joining our site, Cat is a talented Artist with beautiful voice and great vocal...

Sep 9, 2018
A beautiful and persuasive voice
Ingrid Lam with a gifted beautiful voice and naturally born camera friendly smile. It is her voice that caught my attention and here we...

Apr 15, 2018
Great talent and Entertainment Publicist - Agnes Tay
It was our great honour to have new talent and Entertainment Publicist - Agnes Tay join our team: She is a Brand Strategist at Active...
Mar 28, 2018
A story base on imagination that one could wish it is true....
音樂是會把一些時間,影像和感覺鎖下來, 而當聽到同一旋律時, 它會像一把只有你才擁有的鎖匙, 一幕幕的記憶重現眼前。😁 我覺得人的成長就根本很像洋蔥, 一層層的包着中心的甜美, 到最後個個都彼經歷弄成了同一樣的外表, 然而翻開了會流淚😭 ...
Nov 28, 2015
An end is a new start!
When you want a new start , it is to end an old doing look forward to it ! https://youtu.be/t0jKEOkN3gk Let music transform your life –...